Tokenizer add eos token github. warning ("add_eos_token has been set to True for tokenizer. Tried it with both AutoTokenizer as well as LlamaTokenizer. from_pretrained(model_id, use_fast=True, padding_side="left", add_eos_token=True, add_bos_token=True) Host and manage packages Security. all(): break that worked because "user" was a single token not multiple tokens joined together, it worked, but for some reason sometimes it kept on generating for a long time after that too. Mar 10, 2012 · I raised this issue because the fast tokenizer breaks the ChatML tag <|im_start|> into several tokens even though it was added with tokenizer. SentencePiece is a re-implementation of sub-word units, an effective way to alleviate the open vocabulary problems in neural machine translation. Adding the line tokenizer. No branches or pull requests. Intuitively, I thought it'll be helpful to add as a signal for the model to differentiate between documents. @LysandreJik Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces. eos_token May 27, 2023 · About your second question, the best thing would be to open a new issue. 9 PyTorch version (GPU?):1. 👍 3. add_special_tokens ( {'pa Jan 29, 2024 · When self. generate() method to limit the length of newly generated tokens. You signed in with another tab or window. Jul 19, 2023 · if token[j, 0]. ") if tokenizer. " bos " + sequence A + " seperator " + sequence B + " seperator " + sequence C + " eos ". 这个是在用LlamaTokenizer时,确保eos_token_id是2. Since the vllm encodes strings using AutoTokenizer without any options related to the EOS token, enabling the add_eos_token option in the tokenizer may lead the model to generate irrelevant sequences. bos_token_id = 1. I previously thought tokenizer encode text in a greedy style, the eos_token would be encoded correctly with or without a space. Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Current Behavior eos token is none Expected Behavior No response Steps To Reproduce SFT model Environment - OS: - Python: - Transformers: - PyTorch: - CUDA Support Oct 5, 2023 · I use a separate tokenizer for user input so it doesn't convert "special tokens" in unsanitized input. The tokenizer code is as follows: self. So although the model keeps generating the EOS token is no part of the sequence, whic Aug 8, 2023 · 我觉得可能 qwen tokenizer 里的 eos_token 依然是 None,或许可以把 DataArguments 传进 load_model_and_tokenizer 方法里,依据模板来给 tokenizer 的 special tokens 赋值 All reactions Oct 31, 2023 · tokenizer = AutoTokenizer. Aug 15, 2023 · tokenizer. If you encode each prompt individually, you are adding an underline to the prompt, then adding the special token. Apr 23, 2023 · A decoder-only architecture is being used, but right-padding was detected! For correct generation results, please set padding_side='left' when initializing the tokenizer. eos_token e. Jul 27, 2019 · I am trying to add few vocabulary tokens to the gpt2 tokenizer. tokenizer = AutoTokenizer. model. Karpathy's pretraining slide suggested the need for it. eos_token_id是None,然后按照代码逻辑tokenizer. model") tokenizer. all_special_tokens_extended, special_tokens = True) It seems this was a more general question which has an explanation here (the choice of pad_token doesn't actually matter since the attention mask causes padded indices to be ignored). Environment info transformers version: 4. _additional_special_tokens will simply be replaced, while the previous additional special tokens still remain in PreTrainedTokenizer Dec 18, 2022 · Feature request As many said: link1 cc @silverriver link2 cc @gonced8 A new parameter min_new_tokens to the . 2. engine. 6. 2 Platform: Windows 10 (Google Collab) Python version: Python 3. Training Parameters: Settings like dropout, min_frequency, max_length, which directly influence the training process and outcome. = AutoTokenizer. dumps, you may see that add_special_tokens surprizingly became a method, and not a bool: May 17, 2023 · EOS token to delineate between generations. # the order of addition is the same as self. Triplets is a series of sequences I want gpt2 to train on. When save_vocabulary is replaced with save_pretrained (filedir) a new file called special_mappings. Python version: 3. Aug 15, 2019 · tokenizer. ) or add a new pad token via tokenizer. This can come from the training, but is most probably not an issue with the generate function. 👍 3 brand17, tma15, and jxmorris12 reacted with thumbs up emoji Mar 11, 2024 · Since the vllm encodes strings using AutoTokenizer without any options related to the EOS token, enabling the add_eos_token option in the tokenizer may lead the model to generate irrelevant sequences. With float16 you get nans. py (version 0. Already have You signed in with another tab or window. but there seems few problems in adding vocab. tokenizer = llm_engine. 2. #118. config. Why there is such kind of distinction? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: May 9, 2023 · When the generate function is called, it should stop once the eos_token (which is 2). Description I am using the langchain library to store pdf on qdrant. I can confirm it failing the same way on bert-base-uncased. We usually set tokenizer. The current parameter m Apr 17, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. ) or add a new pad token via Mar 10, 2012 · You signed in with another tab or window. cpp推理是否正常? 抱歉没有用过llama. Nov 24, 2023 · 🚀 Feature As Llama2 prompt required, there need a eos_token and bos_token between two adjacent rounds of historical dialogue prompt, as shown below: For now, it seems lost this part during 'GetConcatPrompt' or somewhere else. tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer. This will use the underlying PretrainedTokenizerBase. It make sense pad and eos are the same but then why even make a difference between them in the first place in general? Apr 4, 2023 · Hello, I' m tring to train a custom tokenizer from my corpus, but I find there is no [CLS] or [EOS] token added to input_ids, how to solve this problem? Here is my training code: from tokenizers import Tokenizer, models, normalizers, pre Sep 9, 2023 · 📚 The doc issue When using the open source llama model, I got completely normal output, but when we fine-tuned it, we added a special token. Sep 20, 2023 · Okay, this is actually expected, 29871 is the SPIECE_UNDERLINE token. Nov 21, 2023 · I believe that it should support pre-tokenized dataset as a train_dataset as supported in Trainer class. Dec 27, 2023 · larrylawl commented on Dec 27, 2023. save_pretrained(path) and loading the tokenizer from this file helped in resolving the issue with unk token being generated instead of eos token. pad_token = tokenizer. Mar 8, 2016 · the eos_token_id and bos_token_id is 0 and 0, while those from LLAMA official repo released by META is 2 and 1. sequence_pair is for encoder_decoder models, feel free to ignore in your use case. Here is a notebook that demonstrates it: I installed new version of protobuf to simulate a situation of trying to load tokenizer with newer version of protobuf; Tried to load the tokenizer; Got errors; Restarted as continuing to load it was no May 29, 2023 · As description above, does this mean we should add a space between text and eos_token? however, I find many popular projects like Alpaca concatenate text with eos_token without a space. But with the description in the doc strings, I can imagine that some model creators interpreted it as whether to add the eos_token at all. No milestone. In the general use case, this method returns `0` . _add_tokens (self. OpenAssistantadded more than a few. The special Oct 2, 2023 · # 4. This might cause a significant ""slowdown. <start> => [1, 2, 3] wanted special symbol => only one token, e. Maybe there's a different way to do this than setting all the special tokens to None? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Since the vllm encodes strings using AutoTokenizer without any options related to the EOS token, enabling the add_eos_token option in the tokenizer may lead the model to generate irrelevant sequences. Please select a token to use as pad_token (tokenizer. unk_token or tokenizer. SPECIAL_TOKENS_ATTRIBUTES following `tokenizers` self. disallow_tokens (tokenizer, [tokenizer. the problem is that you still can't use prepare_for_model because it doesn't pass kwargs to build_inputs_with_special_tokens. saving the transformer to json file using tokenizer. In this case the value of self. 11) as the result is that the model is fine-tuned on samples without an eos token, and therefore generates too much text May 2, 2023 · I find that the batches tokenized by llama's tokenizer have bos tokens but do not have eos tokens, leading to my finetuned llama do not stop properly during inference. ) or add a new pad token via toke Oct 2, 2023 · 目前看是不能使用tokenizer. json is created with only 3 special May 5, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. Can you point us to the specific setting where this happens 5 days ago · You signed in with another tab or window. Seems like it might be another slow/fast discrepency but you are not completely doing this the way the API is designed! (check that each call to add a token actively adds it!) In the tokenizer_config. Using distributed or parallel set-up in script?: No. Thats why it is behaving like that. We could also instantiate two tokenizers with different special tokens, but that feels wasteful. pad_token_id = tokenizer. I'm getting '' as both EOS and BOS tokens. >>> from transformers import AutoTokenizer, FlaxLlamaForCausalLM >>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer. 0-54-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid. 3 只会在达到max length后停下,不会因为eos token停下。 好的,我会检查一下流程。另外可否麻烦告知用llama. Jun 26, 2023 · shibing624 commented on Jun 26, 2023. 8. eos_token_id when the tokenizer does not have a set pad_token_id, as it currently does on line 219 of sft_trainer. cpp,我是用显卡跑的,最简单地话这样就能运行起来(这个可能看不出来4. tok Apr 17, 2023 · ValueError: Asking to pad but the tokenizer does not have a padding token. ValueError: Asking to pad but the tokenizer does not have a padding token. from_pretrained(model_file_path, trust_remote_code=True) AttributeError: can't set attribute 'eos_token' Jul 6, 2023 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Current Behavior Tokenizer的,encode函数,或者build_inputs_with_special_tokens函数 测试: tokenizer = ChatGLMTokenizer("tokenizer. Apr 5, 2023 · model. from_pretrained(path) self. vocab_size + 1) Padding would be required for batch inference. Notice that it has not changed. eos_token_id: eos[j] = True if eos. from_pretrained("afmck/testing-llama-tiny") >>> inputs = tokenizer("Hello, my dog is cute", return_tensors= "np") >>> outputs = model(**inputs) >>> # retrieve logts for next Mar 14, 2024 · Please select a token to use as ` pad_token ` ` (tokenizer. Consider using a fast tokenizer instead. item() == self. save_vocabulary(filedir) the above method only save the current vocab json without any of the new tokens being added. add_special_tokens来添加不在SPECIAL_TOKENS_SET中的token,qwen有自己的开始结束token 👍 3 hiyouga, Andy1314Chen, and pp1230 reacted with thumbs up emoji generate_simple () appears to always be generating to the full length of max_new_tokens. eos_token_id 和 tokenizer. Please make sure that you reviewed the remote code/model. It seems to learn the right behavior up to that point (it copies the sentence), and I saw this in my real seq2seq tasks as Jun 29, 2023 · tokenizer无法加入special token. Aug 27, 2023 · The logits are off, but they are close enough that the generated token matches. This can be rectified by initialising. if sampling from the padding token will lead to incorrect results, then in the following examples, the logits for the generated tokens should be the same since the last token is not padding token anymore: Sep 17, 2020 · Token 4 is <s>, which is both the <cls> token and the <bos> token, while token 6 is </s>, which acts as sep_token and eos_token. I noticed that the lit_gpt codebase didn't add eos token to differentiate the documents. eos_token # 50256 data_collator which will add an eos_token to the end of final padded conversation on GitHub. Similarly the FIM paper by Open AI. 1+cu102 Tensorflow version (GPU?): NA Using GPU in script?: Apr 4, 2023 · ValueError: Asking to pad but the tokenizer does not have a padding token. OpenLM Llama 7B model, trained on 1T tokens, no fast tokenizer, tokenizer initialized to have no BOS token, EOS token. Reproduction 在deepseek-coder-6. def token_to_sequence(self, batch_or_token_index: int, token_index: Optional[int] = None) -> int: Get the index of the sequence represented by the given token. eos_token should work and is my recommend way of doing it :-) 👍 5 ffahmed, zixiliuUSC, BramVanroy, ratthachat, and DySchiefelbein reacted with thumbs up emoji Feb 3, 2021 · When you tokenizer. Instant dev environments Jul 24, 2023 · Hey guys, first thanks for VLLM, its insanely good!! When ignore EOS token is used, it inserts it into the sentence and it is not ignored by the model. add_special_tokens( { "pad_token": "<PAD>", } ) model. SentencePiece supports two segmentation algorithms, byte-pair-encoding (BPE) [ Sennrich et al. icemoon-creative opened this issue on Jun 29, 2023 · 2 comments. self. You signed out in another tab or window. add_tokens(SPECIAL_TOKENS) model. I appreciate your efforts for the community. add_tokens(['star wars episode vi: return of the jedi']), you are basically saying you want the entire phase to be a token, but the tokenizer split texts into tokens by using spaces (among other things). Is it a bug, or are there some reasons for this practice? The issue happens on any tokenizer, not only on LLama one. Do steps 1-3 for another model, say gpt2 and notice that it does change. Mar 6, 2010 · The behavior of the add_special_tokens() method seems irregular to me, when adding additional_special_tokens to a tokenizer that already holds a list of additional_special_tokens. eos_token会被add为"<|endoftext|>",对应id是151643,然后添加到source_mask Jul 7, 2023 · The HF falcon tutorial has the following line: tokenizer. However I'm confused about this result, because the _GPT2BPETokenizer will not do that. However, the experiments above Oct 10, 2023 · 合并了Lora后的模型,在执行评估时,出现AttributeError: can't set attribute 'eos_token',请问如何解决呢 Traceback (most recent call last): Nov 11, 2023 · We add the padding token as a special token to the tokenizer, which in this case requires to resize the token_embeddings as shown below: tokenizer. Closed. If the model does not predict it, then the generate function will not stop. resize_token_embeddings(model. Tokenization Settings: Attributes such as add_bos_token, add_eos_token, special tokens configurations, and other tokenizer-specific settings. eos_token_id])" from the setting configuration. from_pretrained("afmck/testing-llama-tiny") >>> model = FlaxLlamaForCausalLM. eos_token '' Aug 3, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. Jul 7, 2023 · But after that if you save it and load, it seems tokenizer works without protobuf or sentencepiece. For BOS and EOS tokens, that's actually the last things remaining to do. g <start> => [1] Moreover, the </s> is just a Jun 20, 2022 · Hi, we didn't expose it in the tokenizer unfortunately (I should fix this!) but the model was trained with a pad token which has ID 1 and string "<pad>". 2胡言乱语问题) Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect) WARNING:root:`trust_remote_code` is set to true. Pass arguments to change EOS and BOS tokens. Aug 26, 2021 · Basically your tokenizer knows that these tokens exist, but you need to specify how to add them systematically. resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)) tokenize. Using pad_token, but it is not set yet. Milestone. Mar 17, 2020 · moinnadeem commented on Mar 17, 2020. tokenizer is referred to in the vllm_worker, it points to a TokenizerGroup object, which has no attributes / functions such as eos_token_id or decode. I see that generate_simple () does respect the eos of speech token now (there was another issue ( #9) where turboderp suggested manually setting Apr 8, 2023 · 4. Reload to refresh your session. tokenizer (Which is existing right now) Dec 3, 2023 · The end of sequence token for yi 34b is not being added to training since the model continues to generate past the EOS token <|endoftext|> after finetuning. bos_token and tokenizer. Right now BOS and EOS tokens are added for each chunk, but I intend to add markers in each chunk to indicate their "number" in the original MIDI, and add a BOS only to the first chunk, and EOS only to the last. batch_decode ( a, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False ) print ( dec [ 0 ]) print () Output (first few lines): I would expect it to emit the EOS token after copying the sentence. bos_token_id = tokenizer. 👍 4 brand17, tma15, jxmorris12, and phuvinhnguyen reacted with thumbs up emoji 我看到相比之前你们llama的预训练代码,这次llama2的预训练代码,设置了tokenizer. 总是会出现下面的错误:ValueError: Asking to pad but the tokenizer does not have a padding token. eos_token it looks strange to me. ""This may cause the model to generate irrelevant sequences. g. Training a tokenizer from scratch would imply training a model from scratch as well - depending on the corpus used for the tokenizer, the tokens may be entirely different from another model's tokens trained on a similar corpus (except if you train the tokenizer using the exact same method and the exact same data). tokenizer. If you go to the tokenization_utils_base and dump the tokenizer_config just before the json. Print out the tokens using tokenizer. Apr 14, 2023 · 执行到第124行时 assert tokenizer. 15. If some of the special tokens are not part of the vocab, we add them, at the end. eos_token. Feb 2, 2021 · Hi, The tokenizer is slow when adding new tokens even with the Fast class: from transformers import GPT2Config, TFGPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2TokenizerFast, GPT2Tokenizer # Maybe this url for the files: # Nov 25, 2021 · However, I do think the problem for not correctly skipping the padding tokens still exists in general. This means that I have to add " bos ", " seperator ", " eos " tokens to the tokenizer. The difference is: original special symbol => more than one token when tokenized, e. add_tokens(["<|im_start|>"]), slow tokenizer works fine. pad_token = tokenizer. Specifically, when I try to add new tokens to the tokenizer, they are automatically classified as special tokens, even though I am specifyin Apr 13, 2023 · Hello, When I try and get the BOS and EOS token from the tokenizer. 发现预训练模型后合并lora后,tokenizer_config变成 { "add_bos_token": true, "add_eos Sep 17, 2023 · 抱歉,我可能还是没有很理解,我看到你最新代码里的chatml模板里的eos token是"<|im_end|>",对应id应该是151645,但是我加载qwen-chat模型,打印出来的tokenizer. iamseokhyun changed the title SFTTrainer: Llama tokenizer not putting eos token in Trainer SFTTrainer: Llama-2 tokenizer not putting eos token in Trainer on Nov 21, 2023. 3 eos问题,但是能看出4. add_special_tokens({' pad_token ': ' [PAD] '}) `. 3. add_eos_token = True。 请问,为何会有这样的改变? 这样改变效果如何? Mar 11, 2024 · @@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ def get_tokenizer(logger. warning ("Using a slow tokenizer. This is usefull if you want to add bos or eos tokens May 3, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. OpenLM Llama 7B model, trained on 1T tokens, latest transformers (looks to fix the fast tokenizer issue), default OpenLM Llama tokenizer settings from HF. eos_token_id 都是 0 然后报错卡在这里 . Model is fitting quite well. ) or add a new pad token via toke I would like to suggest that SFTTrainer should not set tokenizer. Nov 26, 2019 · Hello, I defined my text Field as below: TEXT_openbookQA = Field(tokenize = "spacy", init_token = '<sos>', eos_token = '<eos>', unk_token = '<unk>', pad_token = '<pad Apr 19, 2023 · 我也是 tokenizer. tokenizer, instead of. build_inputs_with_special_tokens function, which defines which tokens are automatically added to the input ids. json of huggyllama/llama-7b, </s> is quite a special token (eos_token). If you encode everything concatenated, you add the prefix token to the first token only. Let's say I want to make sequence like. Jan 8, 2024 · Hello I am encountering an issue while working with the ESM2 models (facebook/esm2_t6_8M_UR50D). 7. Find and fix vulnerabilities Jul 10, 2020 · dec = tokenizer. Reminder I have read the README and searched the existing issues. In order to prevent injection attacks, the verbatim text of a control token or any other control token is processed and tokenized as regular text. 您这个是调用的别的Tokenizer,可自行更改 May 2, 2020 · @BramVanroy - it's actually not possible to set the ids equal to each other, doing tokenizer. Jan 8, 2024 · Hugging face tokenizer will automatically add bos token in front of the encoded text if we don't specify add_special_tokens = False, So current code will add eos token into samples. the official example scripts: (give details below) my own modified scripts: (give details below) an official GLUE/SQUaD task: (give the name) my own task or dataset: (give details below) transformers version: Platform: Linux-4. >>> tokenizer. The first case has add_special_tokens=False and its special token mask is full of 0’s, the first case has add_special_tokens=True and as expected the <bos> and <eos> tokens were added by the algorithm. Using unk_token, but it is not set yet. eos_token_id == 130005 这个语句 报错 。 Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its Mar 10, 2011 · tokenizer. For this issue it would help if the conditional was skipped. 7b-base模型上预训练,然后做sft,全程使用lora。. INFO:root:loading tokenizer tiiuae/falcon-7b Using bos_token, but it is not set yet. ] and unigram language model [ Kudo. Mar 31, 2020 · The problem is this would go before EOS. Model is fitting the data. You switched accounts on another tab or window. ") return add_special_tokens (bool, optional, defaults to True) — Whether or not to add special tokens when encoding the sequences. Development. Maybe some part of the example file is missing it. ) ` or add a new pad token via ` tokenizer. Aug 3, 2023 · Control tokens, such as the eos token, are special type of tokens that have specific meanings and are treated differently from regular text tokens. Jan 19, 2024 · This is what I make of it based on the llama tokenizer: The eos_token is added at the end of the templated input when add_eos_token is set to true. I've been using code similar to the following in padded batched generation, although I haven't verified that it gives exactly the same results as unpadded generation, or tried it yet with DataCollatorWithPadding. 1 task done. eos_token_id = tokenizer. Try to do the magic in build_inputs_with_special_tokens. eos_token_id = 2. EOS is intended to indicate to the model the end of a data sample. ]. Aug 11, 2022 · I do not entirely understand what you're trying to accomplish, but here are some notes that might help: T5 documentation shows that T5 has only three special tokens (</s>, <unk> and <pad>). padding_side = "left" max_le Jul 8, 2021 · No. add_eos_token == True: logger. @ArthurZucker explains above, Llama normalizer adds a SPIECE_UNDERLINE; indeed, fast tokenizer encodes <|im_start|> correctly when token is added Mar 7, 2010 · Load GPT Neo Tokenizer from pretrained using either AutoTokenizer or GPT2Tokenizer. 2 participants. Best you run the code yourself to see. I had to remove "settings. af kw py pq zv lh mm ky az mo